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It results fewer wrinkles or blemishes are visible on a face that otherwise retains an overall, relatively sharp appearance. It also softens contrast.Available size: Square:3 ”4 ”5”x6”6.6”Round:4.5”138mm..
It subtly "flare" highlights and very slightly tone down contrast, while having no effect on image resolution or color reproduction.Available size: Square:3 ”4 ”5”x6”6.6”Round:4.5”138mm..
Spreads light from highlights to darker areas; leaves bright areas bright; lowers contrast, mutes colors. Makes videos look more like film!Available size: Square:3 ”4 ”5”x6”6.6”Round:4.5”138mm..
It subtle softening of skin texture and flairs highlights and tones down contrast while holding black level. Removes video "edge".Available size: Square:3 ”4 ”5”x6”6.6”Round:4.5”138mm..
Uses the surrounding ambient light, not just light in the image area, to evenly lighten shadows throughout. Use it where contrast control is needed without any other effect on sharpness or highlight flare being apparent.Available size: Square:3 ”4 ”5”x6”6.6”Round:4.5”138mm..
It have the Black Frost effect, plus a touch of added warmth.Available size: Square:3 ”4 ”5”x6”6.6”Round:4.5”138mm..